KURUBUSISLIDER({ target: 'c', parlent: 'w', speedrate: 150, durationrateY: 5, direction: 'y' });
- 実際にスクロールするオブジェクトのIDかオブジェクトを指定必須
- スクロールするオブジェクトの基準となるオブジェクトのIDかオブジェクトを指定。
- 惰性で進むときのスピードレートを指定。デフォルトで150
durationrateY or durationrateX
- 惰性で進む距離のレートを指定。デフォルトで5
y or x
- 縦(y)にスクロールするか横(x)にスクロールするか指定。省略時は縦(y)
#w { //parlentになるオブジェクトにはheightを設定して下さい height:500px; } #c { //x方向にスクロースする時はtargetにwidthを指定して下さい。 width: 1000px; }
var KURUBUSISLIDER = function(obj){ var Slider = function(){ var this_ = this, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); this.w = (args[0].parlent && typeof args[0].parlent === "string") ? document.getElementById(args[0].parlent) : args[0].parlent; this.c = (args[0].target && typeof args[0].target === "string") ? document.getElementById(args[0].target) : args[0].target; this.speedrate = args[0].speedrate || 150; this.durationrateY = args[0].durationrateY || 5; this.durationrateX = args[0].durationrateX || 5; this.direction = args[0].direction || 'y'; var objstyleheight = this.objtComputedStyle(this.c, 'height'), objstylewidth = this.objtComputedStyle(this.c, 'width'), wheight = this.objtComputedStyle(this.w, 'height'), wwidth = this.objtComputedStyle(this.w, 'width'); this.w.style.overflow = 'hidden'; this.w.style.position = 'relative'; this.c.style.position = 'absolute'; this.overdiv = document.createElement('div'); this.overdiv.style.width = (parseFloat(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.c, '')['width'])) + 'px'; this.overdiv.style.height = (parseFloat(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.c, '')['height'])) + 'px'; this.overdiv.style.position = 'absolute'; //this.overdiv.style.opacity = '0.5'; //this.overdiv.style.backgroundColor = 'red'; this.overdiv.style.top = '0'; this.overdiv.style.left = '0'; this.c.appendChild(this.overdiv); if(this.direction === 'y' && objstyleheight < wheight){ this.c.style.paddingBottom = (wheight - (parseFloat(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.c, '')['height']))) + 'px'; }else{ this.managedMB(this.c); this.managedPCdrag(this.c); this.managedPCwheel(this.c); } }; //PC Wheel Slider.prototype.managedPCwheel = function(target){ var this_ = this, begin, touchStartX, touchStartY, touchMoveX, touchMoveY, moveingObj = [], mousewheelevent = 'onwheel' in document ? 'wheel' : 'onmousewheel' in document ? 'mousewheel' : 'DOMMouseScroll'; try{ addEventSet(target, mousewheelevent, function(event){ onWheel(event); }); }catch(e){ addEventSet(target, mousewheel, function(event){ onWheel(event); }); } var onWheel = function(event){ if(!event) event = window.event; //for legacy IE var delta = event.deltaY ? -(event.deltaY) : event.wheelDelta ? event.wheelDelta : -(event.detail), objstylewidth = (this_.objtComputedStyle(target, 'width') || 0), objstyleheight = (this_.objtComputedStyle(target, 'height') || 0); objstyletop = (this_.objtComputedStyle(target, 'top') || 0), objstyleleft = (this_.objtComputedStyle(target, 'left') || 0); this_.stopEvent(event); begin = (new Date()).getTime(); moveingObj.push({ 'target': target, 'touchMoveY': objstyletop + delta, 'touchStartY': objstyletop, 'touchMoveX': objstyleleft, 'touchStartX': objstyleleft, 'touchLayerX': 0, 'touchLayerY': 0, 'd_time': (((new Date()).getTime()) - begin) }); this_.touchingMove(moveingObj); }; }; //PC Drag and drop Slider.prototype.managedPCdrag = function(target){ var this_ = this, begin, touchStartX, touchStartY, touchMoveX, touchMoveY, flag = false, moveingObj = []; //mousedown addEventSet(target, "mousedown", function(event) { this_.stopEvent(event); begin = (new Date()).getTime(); touchStartX = event.pageX || (event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft); touchStartY = event.pageY || (event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop); touchLayerX = event.layerX || event.offsetX; touchLayerY = event.layerY || event.offsetY; flag = true; }); //mousemove addEventSet(target, "mousemove", function(event) { if (!flag) return; this_.stopEvent(event); moveingObj.push({ 'target': target, 'touchMoveY': event.pageY, 'touchStartY': touchStartY, 'touchMoveX': event.pageX, 'touchStartX': touchStartX, 'touchLayerX': touchLayerX, 'touchLayerY': touchLayerY, 'd_time': (((new Date()).getTime()) - begin) }); this_.touchingMove(moveingObj); }); //mouseout addEventSet(target, "mouseout", function(event) { flag = false; if(moveingObj[0]){ this_.touchdMove(moveingObj); moveingObj.length = 0; } }); //mouseup addEventSet(target, "mouseup", function(event) { flag = false; if(moveingObj[0]){ this_.touchdMove(moveingObj); moveingObj.length = 0; } }); }; //MB Slider.prototype.managedMB = function(target){ var this_ = this, begin, touchStartX, touchStartY, touchMoveX, touchMoveY, flag = false, moveingObj = []; //touchstart addEventSet(target, "touchstart", function(event) { this_.stopEvent(event); moveingObj.length = 0; begin = (new Date()).getTime(); touchStartX = event.touches[0].pageX; touchStartY = event.touches[0].pageY; touchLayerX = event.changedTouches[0].pageX - target.offsetLeft; touchLayerY = event.changedTouches[0].pageY - target.offsetTop; flag = true; }); //touchmove addEventSet(target, "touchmove", function(event) { if (!flag) return; this_.stopEvent(event); moveingObj.push({ 'target': target, 'touchMoveY': event.changedTouches[0].pageY, 'touchStartY': touchStartY, 'touchMoveX': event.changedTouches[0].pageX, 'touchStartX': touchStartX, 'touchLayerX': touchLayerX, 'touchLayerY': touchLayerY, 'd_time': (((new Date()).getTime()) - begin) }); this_.touchingMove(moveingObj); }); //touchcancel addEventSet(target, "touchcancel", function(event) { flag = false; if(moveingObj[0]){ this_.touchdMove(moveingObj); } }); //touchend addEventSet(target, "touchend", function(event) { flag = false; if(moveingObj[0]){ this_.touchdMove(moveingObj); } }); }; //repeatedly mouse Slider.prototype.touchingMove = function(moveobj){ var this_ = this, lastobj = moveobj[moveobj.length-1], objstyletop = (this.objtComputedStyle(lastobj.target, 'top') || 0), objstyleleft = (this.objtComputedStyle(lastobj.target, 'left') || 0), objstylebottom = (this.objtComputedStyle(lastobj.target, 'bottom') || 0), objstyleright = (this.objtComputedStyle(lastobj.target, 'right') || 0), objstylewidth = (this.objtComputedStyle(lastobj.target, 'width') || 0), objstyleheight = (this.objtComputedStyle(lastobj.target, 'height') || 0), wwidth = this.objtComputedStyle(this.w, 'width'), wheight = this.objtComputedStyle(this.w, 'height'), moveY, moveX; moveY = lastobj.touchMoveY - lastobj.touchLayerY; moveX = lastobj.touchMoveX - lastobj.touchLayerX; if(this.direction === 'x'){ if(wwidth - objstylewidth > moveX){ moveX = wwidth - objstylewidth; }else if(moveX > 0){ moveX = 0; } lastobj.target.style.left = moveX + 'px'; }else{ if(wheight - objstyleheight > moveY){ moveY = wheight - objstyleheight; }else if(moveY > 0){ moveY = 0; } lastobj.target.style.top = moveY + 'px'; } }; //After having separated it Slider.prototype.touchdMove = function(moveobj){ var this_ = this, lastobj = moveobj[moveobj.length-1], moveobjlength = moveobj.length, objstyletop = (this.objtComputedStyle(lastobj.target, 'top') || 0), objstyleleft = (this.objtComputedStyle(lastobj.target, 'left') || 0), objstylewidth = (this.objtComputedStyle(lastobj.target, 'width') || 0), objstyleheight = (this.objtComputedStyle(lastobj.target, 'height') || 0), wwidth = this.objtComputedStyle(this.w, 'width'), wheight = this.objtComputedStyle(this.w, 'height'), begin = new Date(), x, moveX, y, moveY, duration, dr, toX, toY, speed, recently = []; for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++){ if(moveobj[moveobjlength - i]){ recently.unshift(moveobj[moveobjlength - i]); } } //console.log(recently); dr = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((recently[recently.length-1].touchMoveX-recently[0].touchMoveX),2) + Math.pow((recently[recently.length-1].touchMoveY-recently[0].touchMoveY),2)); speed = dr / (recently[recently.length-1].d_time - recently[0].d_time); duration = speed * this.speedrate; moveX = (recently[recently.length-1].touchMoveX - recently[0].touchMoveX) * this.durationrateX; moveY = (recently[recently.length-1].touchMoveY - recently[0].touchMoveY) * this.durationrateY; toX = objstyleleft + moveX; toY = objstyletop + moveY; if(duration && duration > 100){ var timer = setInterval(function(){ var time = new Date() - begin, cuY = easeOutQuad(time, objstyletop, moveY, duration), cuX = easeOutQuad(time, objstyleleft, moveX, duration); if (time > duration){ clearInterval(timer); cuX = toX; cuY = toY; } if(this_.moveflg){ clearInterval(timer); } if(this_.direction === 'x'){ if(wwidth - objstylewidth > cuX){ cuX = wwidth - objstylewidth; clearInterval(timer); }else if(cuX > 0){ cuX = 0; clearInterval(timer); } lastobj.target.style.left = cuX + 'px'; }else{ if(wheight - objstyleheight > cuY){ cuY = wheight - objstyleheight; clearInterval(timer); }else if(cuY > 0){ cuY = 0; clearInterval(timer); } lastobj.target.style.top = cuY + 'px'; } },10); } }; //preventDefault Slider.prototype.stopEvent = function(event){ if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } event.returnValue = false; }; Slider.prototype.objtComputedStyle = function(obj, properties){ return parseFloat((obj.currentStyle || document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, ''))[properties]); }; ///////////////////////// switchArea = function(serchclass, serchtag) { var par = document, reg = new RegExp('(^| +)' + serchclass + '($| +)'), nodeList = []; if (serchtag === undefined) { serchtag = '*'; } var el = par.getElementsByTagName(serchtag); for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) { if (reg.test(el[i].className)){ nodeList.push(el[i]); } } return nodeList; }; addEventSet = function(elm,listener,fn){ try { elm.addEventListener(listener,fn,false);} catch(e){ elm.attachEvent("on"+listener,fn);}; }; extendDeep = function(parent, child){ var i, toStr = Object.prototype.toString, astr = "[object Array]"; child = child || {}; for(i in parent){ if(parent.hasOwnProperty(i)){ if(typeof parent[i] === "object"){ child[i] = (toStr.call(parent[i]) === astr) ? [] : {}; extendDeep(parent[i], child[i]); }else{ child[i] = parent[i]; } } } return child; }; addEventSet = function(elm,listener,fn){ try { elm.addEventListener(listener,fn,false);} catch(e){ elm.attachEvent("on"+listener,fn);}; }; addReadyFunction = function(func){ if(document.addEventListener){ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded" , func , false) ; }else if(window.ActiveXObject){ var ScrollCheck = function(){ try { document.documentElement.doScroll("left"); } catch(e) { setTimeout(ScrollCheck , 1 ); return; } // and execute any waiting functions func(); } ScrollCheck(); } } uniqueId = function(){ var randam = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000) var date = new Date(); var time = date.getTime(); return randam + time.toString(); } isArray = function(o){ return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]'; } //t:current time b:startcoordinates c:Distance d:necessary time easing = function(t,b,c,d){ if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t + b; return -c/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2) + b; }; easeOutQuad = function (t, b, c, d) { return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b; } addReadyFunction(function(){ new Slider(obj); }); }; //-- KURUBUSISLIDER --//
- 2014/10/26
- 1.0.02_publicbeta公開。